Las Vegas, NV - 30 Nov 2010-On Saturday, December 4, hundreds of local children rock a mini-marathon of its own ING Kids Rock Las Vegas presented by McDonald's. This year's race, held at a new location in Sunset Park in Las Vegas, match 'n' Roll Rock Las Vegas Marathon and Half Marathon to benefit Crohn's and Colitis Foundation, which will bring together more than 30 000 runners and walkers Range for Sunday, December 5.As program participants ING ROCK KIDS, young athletes become finalists in the marathon, completing a marathon of 25.2 miles at their own pace with guidance from parents or teachers. Children can run their miles or anywhere whenever they want, at home, during recess at school, or soccer practice. They will track your mileage based on the honor system with the supervision of a parent, teacher or facilitator. The training program also includes tips for helping children to initiate and maintain a healthy lifestyle and active.
"As the official charity of the ING Kids Rock, the ING Run For Something Better program is helping to get kids on the way to the adoption of healthy lifestyles as a way to combat childhood obesity," said Rhonda Mims, president of the ING and vice president, ING Office of Corporate Responsibility and Multicultural Affairs. "ING Kids Rock is a fun way for children to achieve a sense of accomplishment of their discipline before the event, and expect them to continue working for many years. "
The marathon program is completed with a cumulative non-competitive, non-scheduled fun run a mile for children grades K-6. Each participant must run or walk one mile, crossing the finish line and receive a finisher medal and sweets to celebrate the achievement. McDonald's apple will provide diapers and bottled water as a healthy snack after the race.
"Support initiatives for healthy children is an important part of our commitment to the local community," said James Vance, owner of McDonald's Owner and President of the Greater Las Vegas McDonald's / Operator 's Association. "This is a fun way to introduce children to an activity that can easily become part of their daily lives as they grow."
The event takes place on Saturday, December 4, at 08.00 am, in Sunset Park. To register or for more information, visit
About ING Kids Rock Las Vegas presented by McDonald's
ING Kids Rock Las Vegas presented by McDonald's is a marathon program capped by a cumulative non-competitive, non-scheduled fun run a mile for children grades K-6. As program participants ING ROCK KIDS, young athletes become finalists in the marathon, completing a marathon of 25.2 miles at their own pace with guidance from parents or teachers. ING Kids Rock Las Vegas event aims to motivate children to live a healthy lifestyle. They can learn early that the play can be fun and goals can be achieved. On Saturday, December 4, all participants will gather to run a mile together. Each participant must run or walk one mile, crossing the finish line and receive a finisher medal and sweets to celebrate the achievement. More information is available at:
About the ING Run For Something Better
ING Run For Something Better ® helps fund school-based programs running in an effort to combat childhood obesity before it even begins. Linked to ING commitment to education, the program helps introduce children to the benefits of sport, a habit of physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle. Nationally, ING has committed more than $ 2.5 million to fund scholarships and school running programs through the ING Run For Something Better. Since 2006, $ 1,000,000 was also raised by individual donors through a special fund to charity, which encourages others to support the cause through their own contributions. When someone donates $ 10 or more at ING Run For Something Better, ING will recognize their contribution by giving them a special pair of shoes to wear orange to show that they are "tied" to supporting kids' fitness. One hundred percent of net revenues go to the ING Run For Something Better fitness programs. For more information about the orange ties, go to
About Las Rock 'n' Roll Vegas
The marquee event Competitor Group, 'n' Roll Rock Las Vegas Marathon and Half Marathon to benefit Crohn's and Colitis Foundation, will shake the Range Sunday, December 5. The Boulevard will be booming as more than 28,000 runners and walkers make their way to the finish line to beat some of the best thrilling sensations Vegas' music. The race will also feature the runners dressed as Elvis, a race through wedding chapel, and a two-day Health & Fitness Expo. For more information, visit or call (800) 311-1255.
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